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Doctor Insano's Clickmania! 1.2

Doctor Insano's Clickmania! 1.2

Doctor Insano's Clickmania! Publisher's Description

Doctor Insano's Clickmania! is a fast-paced, amazingly addictive game! Tap a tile which is part of a group of adjacent tiles of the same color to remove that group of tiles. Continue until all tiles are gone. You can't remove a single tile.

Sound simple? It is. However, as you add more colors to the board it becomes more and more difficult. Almost anyone can win with just two colors, but it is nearly impossible to win with six colors.

This is a shareware product. Prior to registration, you can set program options, play any number of 2 color games, and run a demo with 3 through 6 colors. You have to register to be able to undo a move or to play the game with more than 2 colors.

Update: Version 1.2 fixes a small display anomaly.

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